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Distro Reviews


Ubuntu is a free and open-source Linux distribution based on Debian. Ubuntu is officially released in three editions: Desktop, Server, and Core (for internet of things devices and robots). Ubuntu is a popular operating system for cloud computing, with support for OpenStack. Ubuntu is released every six months, with long-term support (LTS) releases every two years. The latest release is 19.04 ("Disco Dingo"), and the most recent long-term support release is 18.04 LTS ("Bionic Beaver"), which is supported until 2028. Ubuntu is developed by Canonical and the community under a meritocratic governance model. Canonical provides security updates and support for each Ubuntu release, starting from the release date and until the release reaches its designated end-of-life (EOL) date. Canonical generates revenue through the sale of premium services related to Ubuntu. Ubuntu is named after the African philosophy of ubuntu, which Canonical translates as "humanity to others" or "I am what I am because of who we all are".


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189 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


208 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


628 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Ubuntu is awesome. They have been aiming for Linux for the regular user since the beginning and it totally delivers. I don't know why it gets so much hate from the community but I always find myself going back to Ubuntu or an ubuntu based. Everything just works, searching for help online to set something up is really easy with a simple Google search and the distro is rock solid if you use an LTS release


613 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


601 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:



710 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

The distro is solid. Manage 75 ubuntu servers and have never had a problem with the distro, apart from user/admin error. Switched from CentOS7 to Ubuntu 18.04 server 2 years ago and have upgraded over half to 20.04 with no problems. The rest are one going. Does everything we need it to do.



695 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Ubuntu is i great distribution and is one of the few distributions that does gnome good out of the box. Ubuntu allows me to get started out of the box without much changes to configuration



789 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

What can be said about Ubuntu. The desktop is just great, getting more stable with each release. It alway has new exciting features. Love it



808 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Ubuntu has been with me since I started using Linux when I was 13 years old. I've been with it through Gnome 2, Unity, and the return to Gnome 3. While I've moonlighted with various other distros over the years, I used to use Arch btw, I've always come back to Ubuntu and nowadays I find I want to get more work done on my computer contributing to and creating FOSS rather than playing with FOSS. For that Ubuntu has been my choice for the last 5 years. Running the 20.04 daily builds currently and I have to say this will be the best Ubuntu to ever be released. Things like Snap packages, and by extension software availability, keep getting better and better. The default configuration of Gnome 3 on Ubuntu fixes many gripes I've had about Gnome 3 in the past and if it ever stopped getting unbelievably better every release I could always audible to any DE available to the Linux world (there's a flavor for that). On the server side Ubuntu LTS is almost all I've ever run in my personal life. It's the easiest server distro IME, and I have administered many others professionally (SuSE / RHEL).


857 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


846 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


848 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:



887 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Currently using the 19.10 version. I love it because most things work out of the box and setting up dual-boot with Windows was easy. Also I like the default Gnome Desktop. One little negative point is the current state packages in the software store: For most search results two identical icons pop up and you have to click on each to see which one is a snap and which one not. So I switched to installing via command line, which is faster. But overall Ubuntu makes using my favourite programms easy and stays out of the way!


887 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:



831 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:



920 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:



915 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Love the distro, default Gnome is an amazing choice! With gnome it can be a bit resource heavy but for the work flow, it's totally worth it.



865 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


890 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:



912 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Ubuntu has always been to me that distro used by Linux newbies as a first step into the world of Linux. Apart from being the most known Linux desktop distro in the world, and having both stable and rolling release variants, I've never really felt at home on a Ubuntu desktop. It works fine, it has a lot of software (some of which is terrible) it has snaps which have been pushed at vendors a lot. The only thing I've ever liked about Ubuntu was the LTS support period. I was an intermediate Linux user when Ubuntu first came on the scene so it was never appealing to me. I like that it has a lot of vendor support, but I am not the target audience and never really have been.


907 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


894 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


953 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:



882 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

I've probably tried over 100 distro's, and I just keep coming back to Ubuntu. You can drivers, support, help, software, code, etc, everything is just available for this OS and it installs flawlessly. While people may just call it "noob friendly", the reality is this is a super stable, heavily supported OS. Going with other distros always end up in some pain point or difficulty, incompatibility, missing drivers, etc. This is really the clear winner of Desktops, and I look forward to corporate America making the switch to Linux soon enough.



924 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Not much more can be said than, Ubuntu is everywhere and available for everyone. If you want community or you want a corporate system and everything in between these two, Ubuntu is a safe choice.



925 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

I've been an Ubuntu user for some time as I realized if you want to do anything in the Linux world you better first and foremost understand Ubuntu. Canonical has literally led the way for Linux on the desktop development.



922 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

The gold standard. Everyday users get access to the same freely available version of Ubuntu desktop and server that large corporations do, including enterprise-class security maintenance for all. Ubuntu Core is a class-leading solution for IoT with regular Ubuntu server also available for the Raspberry Pi. Just wish it still used Unity, which was far superior to GNOME.


Chelsea Mintz

904 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Jared Grow

885 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Ryan Crowne

904 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
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Billye Bladen

934 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
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Vern Zinn

908 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Becky Summy

892 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Brittney Creek

917 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
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Ryan Browne

884 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Tien Hao

924 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Andreas Carrell

876 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:



912 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

This is one if the distros that just work. Install it and forget it; beginners friendly. In general, anything Xbuntu can be recommended to new users since it's supported by a well known organization and acknowledged by my reputable companies, so you most probably new user won't have to dig to find support/solutions.


I believe in their mission to make free/Open-sourse software simple enough for everybody!

959 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

I've been using Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based projects since Ubuntu 7.10 Feisty-Fawn. I love having a rock-solid distribution, that I know all of the best Linux technologies will come to when they are finally ready.


944 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:



899 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Much hate gets heaped on Ubuntu, however it is a solid staple, with decent recovery options and OODLES of software. The desktop version doesn't seem to be getting much love lately, and people want on their desktops what they want on their servers. The two are forever linked , even if the desktop doesn't make you lots of money like the server / IOT side.


Joshua Peisach

969 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Ubuntu is great. Its install is fast, especially with the 19.04 update which is fluent and fast, even with all packages. Apt, its package manager and dpkg, its unpacker works amazingly well. That's why its derived so much. I run it on my PC for work. Featuring GNOME Desktop as default, it used to use Unity, but although it is dropping 32-bit, it is awesome.


862 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Steve Mic

892 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Ubuntu is my 1st choice daily driver desktop opsys. Ubuntu supports forcing UEFI Secure Boot to prevent malicious software from loading during the system start-up process. Ubuntu gives me built-in full disk encryption to ensure my data stays private if my machine becomes lost or stolen. Canonical has earned my trust which gives me peace of mind. Last but not least, Ubuntu has better support for every app I need.


940 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Ubuntu, overall is pretty good. The LTS version takes care of the server tasks. The desktop, seems less stable than other distros, almost as it is an afterthought of the project (although recently they seem to be emphasizing it somewhat more). Regardless, though, recent releases seem to have more bugs than before. It used to be a jack of all trades, but seems to have lost its focus over the years and is suffering from death by a thousand paper cuts.



950 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Because of it's point release development cycle it's always a bit behind in features (especially visible in graphics drivers), but not any more stable than some rolling release distros. Weird snap packages support implementation in Software Center and the fact that some packages are intentionally hidden from search results make it really confusing for some beginners (like, why there are 3 options for VLC? (A: 2 random snaps at the top and native version hidden at the bottom of search results); why this basic tool is not the repo? (A: it is, you can only install it with Synaptic); why does this simple script take 200mb? (A: it's a snap package, native one is visible only in Synaptic))


Robin Marez

888 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:



940 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

If you are after a stable desktop that is easy to use, it's hard to look past Ubuntu. There is plenty of software available for Ubuntu making it very useful for a variety of users. If you have any problems a quick DuckDuckGo search (or Google if you are that way inclined) will almost always have your problem sorted in no time. It is worth checking out the other official flavours to see if one of them is more appealing to you then the Gnome desktop that comes with stock Ubuntu. These will give Ubuntu a much different look and feel to that you may prefer. I will second DasGeek, Ubuntu server is brilliant.



908 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

As a desktop system, I've really enjoyed Ubuntu. Seems to be pretty solid. I like Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. There are some changes with using `netplan`, but it works good enough, as long as you are familiar with YAML. My local IT company ( recommended this to me, and have been using it on my Laptop, and it's been solid.


Gabriel PĂ©rez

885 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Running Nextcloud snap on my Ubuntu Server 18.04, simple to configure and very stable. My laptops currently have Xubuntu 18.04, love the simple and fast GUI, try it!



851 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Ubuntu was my gateway into Linux back in 2010. While I don't think the new Gnome 3 implementation works as well as Unity 7 or even Gnome 2, it still runs better well. The desktop version of Ubuntu is user-friendly enough for someone coming from Windows or Mac to pick up quickly and runs great on both new and old hardware. With all that said, the thing that brings the desktop rating up to 5 stars it the availability of help from the Ubuntu community. From IRC and forums to video tutorials and podcasts, Ubuntu has one of the largest communities out there so you can (almost) always find what you're looking for if you need help. On the server and IOT side of things, Ubuntu has run well for me. I don't have any IOT devices so I can't speak to that, but running on the server has never caused me any trouble.



891 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Ubuntu continues to be a dominate force in the workstation and server realm. The user friendly approach to installation, proprietary driver support, codecs, and smart interface choices make it an easy recommendation for new users. In addition to the ease of initial setup and broad hardware support, their is a large community of users that actively post issues and solutions making troubleshooting a breeze. While the documentation from Ubuntu is not as thorough or complete as say the Arch Wiki, it still remains a valuable tool at the users disposal. One issue with Ubuntu is it's lack of support for AMD drivers. Nvidia users will be well supported and Ubuntu continues to add easier options to install Nvidia's proprietary non-opensource drivers. However, AMD continues to be an after thought and no single click installs for AMD Pro drivers (which some users need for things like Compute/OpenCL applications) exist. Those using built in Mesa drivers may also find their latest hardware will go unsupported unless manually installing PPA's or upgrading the kernel manually in between releases. This does not just impact AMD but any hardware enabled through the kernel which is becoming a popular option for hardware vendors. As a server Ubuntu makes for an amazing choice due to its reliable LTS infrastructure and overall ease of use and setup. Cloud deployments are a breeze as most major vendors include scripts or one click installs off Ubuntu based server instances. Overall, Ubuntu is a solid choice for anyone with hardware that is a not cutting edge and does not require the latest releases of software packages. You will get a solid distro with solid support and plenty of flavors that are well thought out and provide users with a great introduction to Linux.



921 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

I've used Ubuntu proper off and on since 2008. If you are new, you won't find a better community that can help you with problems you encounter on both the desktop and server. I highly recommend starting here and staying on proper for a few months. Once you are comfortable with the basics and familiar with the support systems, move onto a flavor that is appealing to you before jumping ship to a new distro all together. For older machines, I would recommend Ubuntu Mate.


Tony Fernandez

892 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


838 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Twyla Gory

847 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Joe Blowfish

887 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Desktop flavors are available for all sorts of users. From crazy bloated Gnome3 to relatively lite, XFCE or Mate. Thankfully, the GUI isn't the OS, and switching to one of the 50+ other useful GUIs is about 3 minutes of effort. Wish they'd stop pushing snaps as THE solution to many GUI things. They aren't quite ready for production use when VLC can't play videos from a flash drive or when I click a link in an email program expecting that to be passed to my default web browser, but it opens a new browser instead - ah ... .security. Server is rock solid whether you are running directly on the hardware or running 2-50 virtual machines. Unless there is a hardware issue, Ubuntu Servers just work. I've been using Ubuntu Servers since 2008 mainly as VM hosts. There was a less than perfect Xen period for a few years, but since switching to KVM and libvirt, all has been pretty freakin' great. Well, except the Windows VM that decides to sleep about once a quarter. I figure that is a Windows problem. IoT - I dislike having to sign up with a 3rd party to use their IoT code. I'll ignore the ubuntu iot stack for now due to this choice.


Bertram Albus

863 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Danika Sabin

950 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


880 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Timmy Pasi

885 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

What a great improvement in this distro. Most of my hardware works, solid OS. There is a minimal install and a "bloated" install. Speed has improved over the releases. Great distro I will recommend this distro if someone is interested in using Linux. Ubuntu makes me love Linux everyday!


898 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Track Master Steve

918 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Solid Distro all around.



964 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Matt Speers

950 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

This is default linux. Most poeple and i recommend as starting with new computers. I feel it uses more resource then others like mate. In my work life we use ubuntu as server for big company's for cloud (Azure,). Desktop i haved it but moved over Ubuntu mate personal older hardware and hp stream...


916 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


888 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

Favorite distro. Easy. Lots of documentation. Super support



902 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

I use Ubuntu as desktop, server, and set top box. I have tried to use at least 7 other distributions long term but can't stay away from Ubuntu for more than 3 months at any time.


889 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
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896 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
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Alline Gunnell

903 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
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918 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
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848 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
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Ron McIlvaine

907 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

I used to use Ubuntu exclusively. But when they're went to Gnome, I just don't like Gnome.


Alex Green

898 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

A useful, well-supported distro it does what it needs to and lets the user get going with what they need.


913 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Terrance Krok

881 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:


Karen Fulton

888 users found this useful.
Desktop: IoT:
Server: Overall:

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